9 Travel Skin Care Tips to Always Follow
Summer travel can be pretty exciting but unfortunately not much fun for your skin. To ensure your skin doesn't suffer during your summer adventures here are nine skin care tips to follow whenever possible.
Summer travel can be pretty exciting but unfortunately not much fun for your skin. From the bacteria you breathe in on the plane to changes in climate and skin care routine, not to mention the increased sun exposure and swimming pools filled with chlorinated water there's plenty of reasons why your skin would act out! To ensure your skin doesn't suffer during your summer adventures here are nine skin care tips to follow whenever possible.
1) Spritz on facial mist
Typically, skin is comfortable when the humidity is between 40 to 70 percent but the fact is most airplane cabins are at about 20 percent. Along with lack of humidity means lack of hydration resulting in dry, flaky, or red skin.
The key is not just to spritz water because plain water won't help. Instead look for ingredients like dilo leaf, Ngi grass and coconut oil which you'll find in Pure Fiji's Hydrating Body Mist. It is anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, humectant, and will boost hydration by increasing cellular water flow as well as moisture holding power for 24 hours. The smell is heavenly! Choose from tropical scents like; mango, starfruit, coconut, and more.
2) Carry makeup wipes
Travelling on a plane, bus, boat or any type of public transportation means you're exposing yourself to a lot of bacteria. If you find yourself developing acne on your back, arms, legs, or anywhere the skin is exposed don't be surprised since people leave oils and bacteria on the seat and arm rest. Before you get too comfortable in your own space make sure you wipe down your mobile phone, your seat, & table.
3) Avoid hotel toiletries
The last thing you want to do is experiment with new products during your travels. While most hotels offer complimentary toiletries you may just end up aggravating your skin. Even if you're vacationing someplace fancy, those lovely designer hotel toiletries can still give your skin trouble if you've never tested them out before.
4) Bring your own skin care products
If your favorite skin care products aren't available in travel-size size or if you want to be thrifty, it's a good idea to invest in some mini travel bottles that you can fill with the products you would normally use. Luckily many of Pure Fiji's natural skin care products are available in travel sizes so you don't have to deal with disinfecting little bottles from the dollar store. Way too much hassle!
5) Pack your accessories
To minimize sun exposure we recommend you pack your wide-brimmed hats and shades with full UV protection. If your travels include adventurous activities like; surfing, climbing, hiking you might want to pack some lightweight UV-protective clothing with long sleeves. You can never be too careful when it comes to those harmful sun rays.
6) Tweak your skin care products
A change in season means a change in your skin care products too. If you have dry or sensitive skin use a creamy cleanser in the summer. For those on the oily side we recommend a water-based cleanser like Pure Fiji's Purifying Cleanser. It's a gentle cleanser derived from sugar cane extracts. This unique cleanser is boosted with papaya extracts to brighten skin tone while passionflower and drift nut extracts restore skin to a healthy balance.
7) Bring a summer remedy
Anything can happen during our travels so it's always a good idea to pack a few remedies just in case! But guess what you'll only need to bring Dilo oil! That's it. It's the perfect summer remedy for soothing and healing sunburns, inflammation, rashes, insect bites, acne, eczema, bruises, wounds, & more. If you prefer a gel form we recommend Pure Fiji's Dilo Rescue Body Gel in travel size. Rescue and help repair sunburn with this nurturing dilo and aloe vera balm. It will instantly calm, rehydrate and replenish irritated skin including dry skin, insect bites, rashes or postshaving irritations.
8) Cut down on alcohol & caffeine
Those complimentary alcohol drinks may be tempting during long flights but it ain't worth it folks. Be strategic 24 hours leading up to your departure. Alcohol and caffeine can significantly disrupt the quality of your sleep, so be mindful of these drinks. Do your best to eat lighter meals and avoid heavy, fatty, and spicy meals which can affect your sleep. If you're flying at night try to eat a combination of complex carbohydrates and protein which helps you to fall asleep.
9) Don't worry, be happy
Skin care routines are important for keeping your skin healthy but don't panic and stress out if you missed your weekly facial. After all your vacation should be relaxing and stress free. And your trip isn't going to last forever so live in the moment and enjoy your much deserved break from the daily grind.
Your skin care routine doesn't have to be complicated during your summer travels. Remember folks it's just temporary. Proper cleansing and hydration will help your skin manage the stress and keep it looking beautiful throughout your trip. This means applying your Pure Fiji moisturizers; if you're flying, use the hydrating mists, drink as much water as you can, and most of all have a fun, memorable trip!